Senate Republicans Block Measure to Limit the Role of Special Interests in Elections

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Senate Republicans today filibustered a final vote on a constitutional amendment that would have responded to the Supreme Court's decisions in Citizens United and related cases, which have unleashed hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign spending from outside special interest groups and secretive billionaires, by restoring the longstanding authority of Congress and the states to regulate campaign spending. Senator Stabenow is a co-sponsor of the amendment authored by Senator Tom Udall (D-NM). Senate Republicans also previously blocked the DISCLOSE Act, which would require transparency so voters know who is paying for the attack ads they see on TV.

"Anyone who turns on their TV today can see for themselves that our political system is broken," said Stabenow. "This constitutional amendment will get the secret money out of our elections. Elections should be determined by voters, not by the highest bidding billionaire."

Outside groups have spent over $11 million to influence voter decisions in Michigan's 2014 U.S. Senate election.