Stabenow Statement on China’s Decision to End Illegal Restrictions on Rare Earth Elements

Monday, January 05, 2015

U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow today issued the following statement regarding China's decision to end illegal restrictions on rare earth minerals, which are used in many U.S. made-products. Since 2012, the U.S. Trade Representative has been fighting to end these restrictions at the World Trade Organization (WTO). Senator Stabenow was among the first to urge the Administration to address the problem of China's illegal export regulations through WTO action.

"We've been fighting this case for years, and this is a major victory for American workers and our manufacturers," said Stabenow. "I am glad the Chinese government is finally lifting its illegal restrictions on the export of rare earth minerals. We play by the rules, so China needs to start playing by the rules and stop trying to rig the system."