Stabenow, Peters Will Vote to Stop Expansion of Health Care Plans without Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

U.S. Senators Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Gary Peters (D-MI) will vote today on a resolution to protect people with pre-existing conditions. This is critical for Michigan families because 4.1 million people in Michigan have a pre-existing condition.


The resolution, cosponsored by all 47 Senate Democrats, would roll back a Trump administration rule that the Administration is using to greenlight short-term “junk insurance” plans that don’t protect people with pre-existing conditions. The rule also lets states promote “junk insurance” plans that can charge people more if they have a pre-existing condition or refuse to offer coverage for specific benefits.


“For the half of Michigan residents who have a pre-existing condition like diabetes or heart disease, gutting insurance coverage with these junk plans can have life or death consequences,” said Senator Stabenow. “We’re forcing a vote today to overturn this harmful rule and put an end to the Administration’s sabotage of our health care.”


“Every Michigander and American should have access to quality, affordable health care. I’m voting to overturn the Administration’s policy to let states expand short-term or ‘junk insurance’ plans that don’t require insurance companies to protect people with pre-existing health conditions or cover essential benefits like prescription drugs and maternity coverage. We should be working to improve health care and lowering costs, while ensuring people can afford the health care they need,” said Senator Peters.


Stabenow and Peters previously cosponsored legislation to overturn the expansion of these junk insurance plans in August 2018. Stabenow and Peters also called on the Administration to halt the expansion of these plans ahead of the deadline for public comment in April 2018 and after the Administration received thousands of critical comments on the plan.

