Stabenow, Peters, Kildee Announce Environmental Protection Agency Approval of $100 Million in Federal Funds for City of Flint

Friday, March 17, 2017

U.S. Senators Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Gary Peters (D-MI) and Congressman Dan Kildee (MI-05) today announced that the Environmental Protection Agency approved $100 million in federal emergency funding for the City of Flint. Senators Stabenow and Peters and Congressman Kildee secured the funding in a bipartisan agreement that passed Congress at the end of 2016.

“Today we have good news for families in Flint who have already waited far too long for their water system to be fixed,” said Senator Stabenow, Senator Peters, and Congressman Kildee. “After a hard-fought victory to secure $100 million in assistance last year, the City of Flint will finally begin receiving funding to repair and replace the pipes. The people of Flint are strong and resilient, and we will continue to fight for the resources and assistance they need. It’s also past time for the State of Michigan to do everything in its power to meet its responsibilities to help the city recover from this man-made crisis.”

The EPA has made $51.5 million immediately available for lead service line replacements, distribution main improvements, and corrosion control. Of that $51.5 million, $20 million will come from the required State match and the other $31.5 million from federal funds.  The remaining $68.5 million in federal emergency funding to Flint has also been approved but will be provided after the City and the State complete additional public comment and technical reviews. 


The Stabenow-Peters-Kildee agreement passed Congress and was signed into law by President Obama in December 2016.  It provides access to $100 million in funding to help fix Flint’s drinking water infrastructure; funding to activate at least $200 million in low-interest loans to upgrade water infrastructure in communities in Michigan and across the country; $50 million to address the health care needs of children who have been exposed to lead; authority for the State of Michigan to forgive $20 million in past drinking water loans to Flint; and a requirement that EPA warn the public within 24 hours of high lead levels in drinking water if a state fails to do so.


The legislation that Congress approved provided $100 million in supplemental emergency federal funding through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. The State of Michigan, in collaboration with the City of Flint, submitted a comprehensive plan to the EPA to access these funds. This funding was only available to a community like Flint that received a federal emergency declaration by the President due to a public health threat from dangerous amounts of lead in drinking water.

