Stabenow, Peters Announce Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Funding for Cass River Watershed

Thursday, August 06, 2015

U.S. Senators Debbie Stabenow, and Gary Peters today announced a $30,000 allocation from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative for Saginaw Bay Resource, Conservation and Development to stabilize stream banks in the lower Cass River watershed. This watershed runs into the Saginaw River and Lake Huron. This Great Lakes Restoration Initiative funding, which is administered by the Great Lakes Commission and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service, will be used to help reduce stream bank erosion, which degrades fish habitats and increases phosphorous levels.

"The Great Lakes are part of who we are and our way of life," said Senator Stabenow, Co-Chair of the Senate Great Lakes Task Force. "This investment will help Saginaw Bay Resource, Conservation and Development protect the Cass River and all of our Great Lakes and waterways. Additionally, today's announcement builds off the work already being done in the Saginaw Bay Watershed through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program."

"When phosphorus runoff and sediments pollute Michigan's waterways and our Great Lakes, it can causes serious economic and environmental damage," said Senator Peters, member of the Senate Great Lakes Task Force. "This grant from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative will support local solutions to combat these threats and improve the health of the Cass River and Saginaw Bay."

The support will go towards the "Cass River Steam Bank Stabilization and Fish Habitat" project. This project will identify stream banks that are at risk of erosion and work with community members to address pollution and other watershed issues.

Senators Stabenow and Peters have been strong advocates for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, which is a multi-year plan to restore and preserve the Great Lakes by eliminating toxins, combating invasive species, restoring habitats, and promoting the general health of the Lakes.