Senator Stabenow Releases Video Urging People in Michigan to Stand up for the Great Lakes

Friday, March 24, 2017

U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) today released a video message urging people in Michigan to join her and stand up to protect critical funding for the Great Lakes.  The bipartisan Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, which Senator Stabenow helped launch in 2010, provides vital resources to protect and restore the Great Lakes.  The program faces elimination in President Trump’s budget proposal. 

Senator Stabenow made the following statement in her video:

“I was born and raised in Michigan and love our Great Lakes.  If you are in Michigan, I know you feel the same way and that’s why I’m asking for your help today.


“In 2010, I authored a bipartisan initiative called the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to make sure we have funds to tackle Asian Carp, algae blooms in the Great Lakes, challenges to our beaches and fishing, and so on. 


“But now, the Trump Administration has zeroed out all of that funding in its budget.  It’s critical that we have resources to protect our precious Great Lakes.


“So, I need your help in telling the story about boating and fishing and hunting and all the other ways in which you enjoy the Great Lakes.  Or, maybe your job comes from something related to our wonderful waters.


“Please go to and get involved.  I would love to hear your favorite Great Lake memory and your favorite Great Lake.


“Please get involved.  Michigan’s future, and all of the Great Lakes, depend on it.”


To watch Senator Stabenow’s video and submit a story, visit her website at