Senator Stabenow and Congresswoman Slotkin Highlight How the Trump Administration’s Actions to Undermine the Postal Service Are Hurting Michigan Families

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

LANSING Today, Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin (MI-08) held a press conference outside a U.S. Post Office in Lansing to highlight the Trump Administration’s actions to undermine the U.S. Postal Service. Yesterday, the Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy, said some changes will be suspended until after the election but stopped short of permanently ending these harmful policies.


“The President admitted to sabotaging the Postal Service — attacking our democracy and hurting the millions of people in Michigan who rely on the post office for their medications, bills, family communications and  businesses operations,” said Senator Stabenow. “Thanks to so many Michiganders who spoke out, the Postmaster General is temporarily walking back some of these harmful actions. We must keep up the pressure until the Administration permanently reverses course, and pass funding to address the backlogs in letters and packages.”


“While many of the calls we’re getting in to our office with concerns about the Postal Service are from those wanting to ensure they can vote absentee, right now the urgency is around folks who are waiting for their medication and medical devices,” Congresswoman Slotkin said. “Almost eight million prescriptions were sent to Michiganders in 2019, and that includes almost every prescription sent by the VA. Eighty percent of our veterans around the country get their prescriptions via mail, so the veteran community is being disproportionately affected by the slow-down.”


“The post office is a founding institution of our country. In any small town in the United States and certainly all across Michigan you see four things: a city hall, a school, a library and a post office. It is quite literally woven into the fabric of our country, and I think that’s why we’re seeing people speak out so strongly about the post office. This is an issue that touches every single American.”


“The U.S. Postal Service is under siege by forces whose goal it is to undermine and privatize it. Postmaster General Dejoy’s removal of mail process machines will impede the swift processing of the mail here in the Capitol City and will have far reaching impacts to service. I would like to thank U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow for this opportunity to join her today to describe the issues facing America’s Post Office," said John Greathouse Legislative Director for the America Postal Workers Union, Central Michigan Area Local.


“I served our state and country and now I can’t believe I have to worry about not getting my medication delivered on time by the post office. I appreciate Senator Stabenow and Congresswoman Slotkin addressing this issue for Michigan families,” said Carl Tielking, Lansing resident.


The U.S. Postal Service has implemented a number of operational changes such as removing mailboxes, slashing overtime for employees, deactivating mail sorting machines, and reducing retail hours of operations. These changes have led to mail delays that have impacted Michigan families who rely on the U.S. Postal Service timely delivery of medication, bills, election ballots and more.

